I’ve always had a keen interest in the human body, health and movement yet as a 17 year old I’d never heard about biokinetics.
As part of our Gr 11 school curriculum, we were required to spend a week work-shadowing a profession we felt we wanted to go in to after school, and it was here that I was first introduced to Biokinetics. I spent a wonderful week with a very busy Biokineticist and his two interns and was exposed to so many different areas of the profession from professional sport to hydrotherapy to working with the elderly. On the second last day, I was asked to step in to assist with an eldery lady’s rehab and it was then that I knew what I wanted to do with my career.
Life however can often dictate otherwise. I headed to the UK after school and spent 7 years over here doing a variety of different things from working in horse racing, endurance riding, on a country estate to care work and office based work too. Just before heading to the UK, I had a horse-riding accident and later discovered that I’d had a fracture of my pelvis. Being 18 at the time, I thought I’d be fine and so didn’t get it seen to.
Whilst doing the manual work for the next few years following my accident, I started to experience more and more discomfort which eventually resulted in severe back and hip pain. It was then that I took an office job as riding was just too painful never mind the yard work that went with it. I saw many different people with very little change and unfortunately things got worse. I was battling to walk without pain so any exercise became a challenge.
I was eventually told that I would not be able to exercise again. I was only 24 years old at the time and this came as rather a shock.
Circumstances took me back home to South Africa and to uni where I began a business degree (I took someone’s advice rather than doing what I wanted to - I don’t regret it though). During this time, I started to see a biokineticist who had a clinic on the uni campus. She very quickly identified all the imbalances and got to the root cause of my injury. And then the journey began.
I started off very slowly with simple exercises which were incredibly challenging. Once I could master these, she’d progress me and so it went. Was it easy? Definitely not. It was so frustrating at times but also so rewarding when I could do an exercise which initially seemed impossible. Over time I got back to running and eventuallly I was running three times a week, seeing a personal trainer twice, instructing three high intensity spinning classes a week and doing 1-2 functional fitness sessions. I mention this as I was told I just wouldn’t be able to exercise again and yet with guidance, hard work and patience, my body was capable of more than it had ever done before.
During my time with my Bio, I would chat to her about my interest in the profession and she encouraged me to follow my dream. So after my Honours in Business, I changed to Biokinetics. It was another long, challenging road but this time I was studying something I had a real interest in. I had also decided that once I qualified, I’d come back to the UK as my goal is to help people who have also been told there is nothing more that can be done for them.
I believe there is always something that can be done and that people shouldn’t have to settle on relying on painkillers or on giving up what they enjoy doing because of a niggle which has over time lead to greater issues.
I now live and work in Surrey and love nothing more than to either get out on my bike, lace up my trainers or hiking boots and explore the Surrey Hills and surrounding areas.
Is biokinetics right for you? Find out with my free discovery call.